Tuesday, April 25, 2023

What Did Jenny Do On the Ship All Day, Every Day?

Early morning on-deck yoga ("most" mornings)

Buffet breakfast

Chat with passengers

Attend lectures with retired captain Jeurgen


Step class on deck

Singing with the choir

Buffet lunch

Chat with passengers

Read on deck

Make baggywrinkles

Chat with passengers

Workout in the Gym, or a walk on deck

Read in cabin

Take part in whatever was going: learning (or rather not learning) how to tie knots, learning (or rather not learning how to read a sextent, visiting the bridge, learning how to read a chart, etc.

Two days it was the Olympic Games with teams performing silly games - our team took the bronze, I am happy we podiumed

dressed to compete

throwing and catching balloons filled with water in towels

Another day it was silly ceremony for everyone who was crossing the Atlantic ocean for the first time. King Neptune had to baptize us with wine 

And one day it was how to steer the ship. I was the first one to volunteer and had control of the largest square-rigged ship in the world for almost a half hour! A red-letter day for sure!

learning what heading to follow

patient teacher and eager pupil

yes that's me, steering the ship!

Chat with passengers on deck, or in the boom nets, or on the bow, or near the wheel


Visit spa, or steam room

Four course dinner

Dancing (or trying to) on rolling deck in slippery sandals. 

Fall into bed, rocked to sleep by the swells.

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